So I downed Arthas, King of the longest RP before dying in the game, second only to the last boss in Magister's Terrace (IMO), in the last raid week. In. A. 10. Man. Pug. With my husband! What an unforgettable WoW moment. Yes, it was with the 30% buff. No, I don't care because I killed him. Well, actually I healed other folks and they killed him, but that's beside the point. He died, I witnessed it, and I have the title AND screenshot to prove it.
Makes me feel weepy happy to bring full closure to the Wrath XPac prior to Cata being released. I've come a loooong way from the noob level 5 hunter (over four years ago) that cried when my husband and his co-worker thought it'd be funny to summon me to Ironforge from Teldrassil. In a fit, and having no clue where in the heck I was, I deleted that toon. Monsters! Hehehe...there was SNOW everywhere? How was I to know:_). I've been a loyal WoW player since my husband introduced me to the online game his co-worker (the evil warlock in the story above!) introduced him to right after Christmas of 2005. I've tried hardcore raiding and casual raiding, and I've finally settled somewhere in the middle. I don't have to be among the first to kill a boss, I just want to clear and see the content in one expansion before the next one comes along.
Back to my story - We found the pug in Trade, with an extended RaidID and only the LK up. I rolled on my Resto Druid and the hubby came along on his Warlock. After about two hours, getting him to 13%, and having one dps get called away from his computer (RL aggro is such a hard thing at a time like that). In comes a replacement dps, another Warlock. Two wipes before P1.5 later, with everyone explaining to him that he need NOT AOE DPS THE adds, and we made it back to 18%. I'm starting to really believe that we can do it. The Resto Shaman and I are commiserating over the tremendous LACK of mana as the fight winds down from 20% to the 11% health range for the LK. The Feral Druid tank is innervating every chance he can drop aggro for a second, and I'm pretty sure most of us are doing the fight with at least toes crossed in hopes of a kill. So, we are at 14% and my husband is chanting, "Don't die, don't let the tank die!" over and over and I'm having a flashback to the end of Season 3 of "THE GUILD", except I didn't really zone out and talk to my character. BUT, three dps are dead and you can tell the adds smell BLOOD! The hubby drops a soulstone on me and I'm yelling, "NO! Drop it on the tank!" Tension is in the air, and and hope is running at an all time high. I'm throwing out heals so fast I can hardly breathe and the next thing I know, POW, we are all dead. Even reading the strat and seeing the video doesn't prepare you for the moment when you are fighting so hard and then POOF. I turned to my husband demanding to know, "Did we do it?". He's sitting there with a stunned look on his face. Finally he turns and says, "On my least geared toon?!? We killed the Lich King!" Oh. My. God!
Now, I've leave you with my noob moment of the day. It being Tuesday, (well it was when I started this post anyway!) and the new weekly being out, I wanted to get it done. Found a group, got myself headed out there, when the DK tank asks for a summons. "You're in Dal, you've got time to fly out", says the Raid Leader. "Um, I don't know where Ulduar is." A few seconds of silence, while I figure the majority of the raid is either biting their tongue or trying to think of something nice to say, and out comes, "Also, I don't know how to tank Ignius." Yeah, gonna be another fun-filled Ulduar outing:_). Thank goodness for out-gearing old encounters!
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