Saturday, July 31, 2010

Yeah.  I did it.  I rolled a DK to see what the fuss was about.  They have a very nice DK only mount:

And of course, no need for weapon enchanting when you can RUNE, not be be confused with ruin, RUNE your own blade.  Basically a free enchant.  I find them interesting as a hero class, overpowered at the start (level 55) and then tapering off so that by 80 they are (at least these days) pretty much in line with the other classes.  Kind of a bummer.  You'd think they'd be monsters!  But, I guess that wouldn't really be fair.  Fun, yes, fair, no.  Didn't take me long to figure out On A Pale Horse was faster cross country than my Paladin.  And then guess who became my new miner?  Oh yeah, that's right.

So, I'm mining in Icecrown.  You know, Icecrown:  The Final Destination!

Of titanium that is!  I know, some would argue that Wintergrasp has more titanium nodes and you might be right.  But I dig Icecrown and Sholazar Basin personally.  Anyway, I'm making the rounds, when suddenly I get a hit that looks to be in ICC.  ICC?  Weird.  Inspection and a big circle reveals there is a big HOLE under ICC.  And it has Saronite in it. 

It's a very big hole.  Did I mention that there is Saronite down there?  Now, I didn't get the Explorer title on my mage for being afraid to travel, so in I go.  GEEEROOOOOONIIIIMOOOO...wait.....this is Wow....Leeeerrrrrooooy Jeeeeeeeeeenkiinnnnsss!

Guess what is at the bottom?  One of the prettiest places I've seen in WoW.   The title pops up on the screen:  Nan'azak  The Forgotten Depths.  Of course, Wowwiki says normally a person's first visit here would be through quests.  Or mining:)

There is an altar here, supposed to be used by tailors to make Ebonweave, back in the day.  I always made mine out in Dragonblight, so I'm not sure about that.  Yes, I killed all the NPC's, faceless ones.  They mumble something about Yogg when you go in combat. 

Supposedly, you can fish in here, but I didn't check it out.  Fortunately for me, there is a portal here also. 

According to Wowwiki:

"Some fans speculate that Naz'anak is actually the Icecrown exit of the tunnel which Arthas and Anub'arak used to shortcut through Azjol-Nerub."

And the portal dumps you into a phased area in front of ICC, where you'd normally be mounting up to do those Argent Crown dailies. 

Gotta run now, I hear titanium calling ME!

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